Sunday, December 11, 2005

Snow running!

Had my first 'snow run' this past Saturday morning. The group has been telling me, "wait 'til we're running when it's cold and snowy..." all along so I was prepared for the worst. Actually the weather was nice and I overdressed. After the last few days, the cold weather is moving north and leaving us w/ pleasant temperatures in the high 30s/low 40s. When we started Saturday morning at 8:30am, it chilly but bearable. The run was 10 miles and would normally take us 1hr, 30min. during the summer, but on this snowdy day, we were gone for 2+ hours....and it was tough going. I only slipped a few times, but you had to watch every step because you never knew what the snow covered - sticks, rocks, or deep horse hoof prints (we run on horse trails).
After we finished, the park was having a 'chili run'. It's an annual event where people run a 10k then donate some money or clothing to charity. There's homemade chili and goodies available to I donated my cash and had lunch!

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