Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The owl family

Lucy and I have another family who lives with us, a family of Barred Owls. The owls introduced themselves the first day we moved in our new home as one of them took a dive at me as I unloaded the trunk of my car. Since that day, I see (or hear) them almost every day or night. I was worried about my three dogs becoming owl food, but after seeing the number of squirrels and birds (and witnessing the owls have dinner several times), our dogs are safe (I think).

Last week, I got to witness one of their young leaving the nest. I knew something was different by the owl's behavior leading up to the day. Both adult owls were visible at the same time (rare) and staying near their nest. The morning the baby emerged, all three sat on limbs most of the day until the youngster had the courage to take the plunge. And plunge it did! Baby owls cannot fly (read that online) and this one was no different. While it was on the ground, I snapped several pictures and for the rest of the evening, the parents watched closely over their baby as it learned how to use it's wings. The next day the baby was gone, but both parents took up their usual spots high up in the trees of my backyard.

After initially being concerned (mostly about the dogs), there's something comforting about having the owls watching over my yard. Every time I walk the dogs, I look up to see if my friends are looking back down and most of the time, their large black eyes are staring back.

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