Monday, September 25, 2006

Pics from Paris Mountain State Park

Since I rarely do any pavement running and the Paris Mtn. St. Park trails are the only decent ones in the immediately area, I go there often. There are many more trails in the general 'upstate' area, but they require at least a 45min. drive.

This past week, I took my camera with me while I did some laps at the Park. I try to either run or bike 3-4 times per week there. Last week, I managed to bike twice, run 3 times (2 shorter 7-mile and 1 long 13-mile) and walk once (with the camera).

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Trip to Athens for the UGA/UAB game

This is the most excited I've been about going to a UGA game in a while. Since Lucy and I lived in Kansas last year, I was unable to make a trip to Athens. This will be my first game in almost two years (UGA/GAtech in '04)!! I met my friend Randy for the game.
Here are a few pics - I left the 'action' shots large so you should be able to get a close-up when clicked. There was a nice tribute to Erk Russell, the legendary defensive coordinator for UGA (64-80) who passed away recently, and for UGA I, the first in the line of the world-famous mascot who turns 50 this year.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Trip to Columbia, SC for some football

Here are some pics from this past weekend's trip to Columbia, SC to watch UGA put a whoopin' on the USC Gamecocks. Final Score: UGA-18, SC-0. A final score like that makes the drive back home eeeeaaasssy!

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