Sunday, May 13, 2007

The evolution of the non-running man

My trail running has been steady over the past several months usually averaging 15-30 per week depending on how much work I have to do. The sunny Spring and Summer weather has definitely had an effect as my running always picks up during this time. After getting the chance to run in sub-zero and snowy weather in Kansas, I've come to realize my 'southern-ess' even more - I like to run in hot's what I'm used to!

As my miles have picked up, I keep wanting to push myself and do a race. We'll see how my training goes over the next several months, but I have a few planned. I've also bought a book with all the trails, their locations, and distances in Upstate South Carolina and Western North Carolina. I've been meaning to branch out and try to new ones considering I run Paris Mountain 3-4 times/wk. This is when I really need a group of like-minding runners.

Speaking's a great article written by 'Bad Ben', the KC Trail Nerd organzier. It's a must-read for all you 'pavement-pounders' out there.

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